« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2007, 03:21:47 am » |
Do you mean reinstalling it then choosing that option in the setup thing?
Or do you mean choosing that in the setup and then running the patch again? I did this but it only copies EN_000.VOX to the VOX folder on my hard drive, not all the EN...vox's. Is this supposed to happen or not?
Anyway, im not quite sure i know what yu want me to do so...
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2007, 10:56:25 am » |
Yes, reinstall the game from scratch and select that option to keep the voice files on the hard drive. Then, reinstall the XP patch.
Let me know if this works.
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2007, 01:42:13 am » |
When i do that, should all the EN.vox files be moved to the VOX folder?, because only the EN_000.vox is there, and it is 2mB smaller than the one on the CD. If i instead try to manually copy the VOX files, i can copy every file except EN_000.vox, EN_001.vox and EN_002.vox, with these three saying that "the parameter is incorrect". For all the other ones though i can copy them fine...
This might be another case of the files being corrupted or damaged, but im not sure...
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2007, 11:33:13 am » |
Hmmm... I will look into this matter. Perhaps I will upload the VOX Files myself. You can manually download them and move them into your folder.
I will also fully check the image to see if anything is wrong.
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2007, 10:14:43 am » |
You should have 10 english voice files + 1 EN_GAM.VOX file. So check your CD to see if you have all 11 ENGLISH vox files.
Let me know your results.
« Reply #35 on: June 24, 2007, 01:56:26 am » |
yep, i have all the files, but the first 3 (EN_000, EN_001 and EN_002) don't let me copy them or open them with notepad, which i can do with all the other files.
« Reply #36 on: June 24, 2007, 01:51:41 pm » |
Mine allows me to do whatever I want with the files.
Here is my suggested plan for you.
1. Redownload LBA 1 from LBAHQ 2. Burn the image to a CD. - Make sure it completes successfully 3. Reinstall LBA 1 and CHECK THE BOX that says keep voice files on hard drive. 4. If the voice files aren't moved automatically, continue the installation with that box checked. 5. After installation is finished move the vox files from the cd into the vox files directory in the LBA directory. 6. If it still doesn't work, I'll send you the vox files you need.
Hope that works. Let me know if it doesn't.
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2007, 01:55:30 am » |
When during installation do i get to check a box? As i understand it, you want me to run "install" from the cd, and when its finished go into the speech configuration section and change it to keep the files on the hard disk. When that happens the files do not get moved automatically. I'm not quite sure I understand.... either way, it would probably be easier for you to just send me the VOX files, since my first three are retarded... Anyway, if you could just clarify the installation process for me, that would be nice. 
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2007, 02:57:15 pm » |
Sorry, you are correct KezOle. That's the option I was talking about. I thought it was in the main install.exe, but it's in the speech configuration. I haven't installed it for a long time...
Um, the vox files should be automatically moved when you check that option if you are running 98SE and lower. If you are running XP, the Windows XP Patch will not only allow you to play LBA in XP, but it has the option of moving the vox files for you.
Here are the instructions from the readme of that patch:
2.1. Additional instructions for users of Windows NT, 2000 and XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you play the CD version of LBA and have spoken voices enabled, you will be prompted to insert your CD after patching. Speech files need to be copied to hard disk because Windows NT/2000/XP don't support the method used by LBA for speech file transfers. You will need to run PATCH.EXE again or copy speech files manually if you change the spoken language.
Hope that helps! If you still can't get it, I'll send you the vox files.
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2007, 04:05:54 am » |
yeah, when i do that, it only copies a bit of one of the VOX files to my LBA directory, and i cant move it manually so it would be nice if you could send me the VOX files please 
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2007, 10:04:09 pm » |
Will do! Tomorrow that is. I'm away from home tonight and today....
Sounds like you didn't complete the download, but no problem. I'll get them uploaded for you.
« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2007, 07:15:41 pm » |
Ok, I uploaded them. Click the link below to download them: VOX FilesLet me know if it works now.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 02:30:49 pm by earnolmartin »
« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2007, 02:30:47 pm » |
Did that fix it? Let me know. 
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2007, 03:42:12 am » |
Sorry, took me a while to get round to it... but it works! hooray!  Thanks for that.
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2007, 01:31:48 pm » |
Gald it works. If you need anything else or have ANY problems, please post here again.