Hello, guys. I just wantes to ask how to get through a certain part. It it when you escape from dr. Funfrocks prison in the Fortress island i guess. You blow that horn near the S symbol and the wall explodes. Then you get to a room where is a runic stone, which tells you, where the well of Sendel is. And that's it. I am just stuck in that room, I haven't found any door or something. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.
P.s. Sorry for my bad english knowledge, i'm a foreigner. Hope you'll get the point.

I'm not sure! It's been such a long time. I think you need to stand in front of the runic stone and select the bottle of water in your inventory. It's supposed to pour over the rune stone and trigger a cut-scene.
Let me know if that's right. It has been a while since I last played LBA 1.